A story with good guys, bad guys, and a young woman who uncovers a massive theft in the middle of the largest oil release in history.
It all starts on June 10, 2011, on a bright sunny morning, calm seas and all was going well in a small part of the Gulf of Mexico on the Deepwater Eclipse oil drilling platform when the release happened that would impact all the Gulf States as the most significant oil release in history. The oil release was to have more than minor impacts on the environment, people’s livelihood, and unique lifestyles of those living along the Gulf coast that will last for years to come. The
Deepwater Eclipse oil platform operations were going as planned and then what seemed only like minutes, the fire started that destroys the oil platform killing many and releasing a tremendous amount of oil heading for the Gulf shores to have a devastating impact on the entire Gulf Coast of the United States costing billions to clean up.

Earth Dwellers Guide To Recycling And Environmental Conservation
This book is called an Earth Dwellers Guide because it affects all of us, no matter what walk of life you are or your lifestyle, the facts in this book cover many spectrums of everyone’s life, but more importantly, it calls people to action, the action that saves you money, gives you a way to get your kids involved and yourself, it gives you a path to sustain your own lifestyle pointing to a better life for everyone on the planet. Also, one of this book’s strengths and intentions was to just plainly inform you about many things in your life that can be changed to make a difference from Plastics to Cigarette Butts to mice and rats to batteries to transportation to cockroaches and chemicals to used oil management and batteries and to basic issues with trash and water and yes even ways to make a vegetable stock that will not only conserve and recycle your food but just give you a better tasting dish that helps the planet at the same time. All of these activities are packed with not only great information and justification for doing them but “how” to do them, leaving no way for you not to see how you can turn this knowledge into action. As part of this human race living on this wonderful planet, we owe it to each other and our future generations to insure the quality of our existence and the health of this planet is protected. It would be naive if I really expected everyone to do all of what I am suggesting here to recycle and conserve our resources, I have a rather a more realistic approach and that is just to give you a starting point JUST DO SOMETHING!!!

Used oil management in Texas provides significant and unique compliance challenges. In an effort to assist those that are involved in or contemplating participation, this guide has been developed to provide an overview of used oil management environmental compliance requirements associated with Used Oil Handlers (UOH) in Texas. The typical facility covered by this guide would store from 50,000 gallons to 1,500,000 gallons, and perform used oil collection services and used oil filter and absorbent collection with limited processing. Generator, Storage, Processor, Re-Refiner, Transfer Facility, Transporter, Marketer, and Do-it-Yourself Collection Center requirements are addressed. This guide does not address all the requirements associated with the operation of a used oil refinery.
The content of this guide addresses the state of Texas and federal requirements associated with defining used oil intended for recycling under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); permitting; associated compliance; storage; reporting; Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) overview; enforcement; TCEQ support; oil spill prevention associated with Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) and Facility Response Plan (FRP) requirements; Tier II reporting, Environmental Management Systems (EMS); and compliance training associated with permits and plans.
This guide provides a limited overview and possible applicability requirements related to The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) associated with All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI), due diligence associated with the sale or facility acquisition, Clean Air Act (CAA), Clean Water Act (CWA), RCRA, and Texas Industrial And Hazardous Wastes management.
This guide is intended to provide awareness of the typical associated environmental compliance with comments provided by the author from decades of corporate, company on-site compliance management, and consultant services provided to petroleum facilities.

Earth Dwellers Guide To Recycling And Environmental Conservation Activities For Kids And Teachers
This second book in the Earth Dwellers series is written for the most important group of earth dwellers: kids. Without their dedication and participation, the likelihood of saving this planet is slim to none. Today’s youth will not only be the primary drivers of change but the standard-bearers who teach future generations the values of conservation. So, more than any other group, it’s critical that they understand the importance of what we must do in our everyday lives—and why—to keep our planet healthy. That’s where you come in. Whether you’re a teacher in the traditional sense, a parent or group leader, you’re vital as their guide to learning and a source of inspiration that will have an impact for years to come. I’ve designed the book for three primary purposes: to suit teachers and group leaders who work with kids in varied age groups, for kids to learn more about environmental issues, and for multi-child families to teach conservation without needing to invest in a pile of age-specific books. No matter what the setting or age group, you’ll have themed recycling, reuse, or environmental conservation activities that can teach important issues and ways to help save this planet and even save money. Most importantly, you’ll have the tools and knowledge at hand to get our children informed and involved, all tailored to suit their reading and maturity level as they grow.

Earth Dwellers Guide To Recycling And Environmental Conservation Activities For Companies
The third book in the Earth Dwellers series is for Companies because any company, no matter how large or small, can have a tremendous impact on our environment. It does not matter even if you don’t manufacture a thing or use any raw materials, utilize chemicals, produce waste as a by-product of your process, or have any discharge to the air or water. It is merely operating a business through activities you do in the office or at an operating facility no matter what type that will generate waste. Waste of any kind impacts the environment and the decisions you make about how you deal with those materials affect us all. Business owners and operators and individual employees have a tremendous impact as you conduct your everyday business on this planet’s environment. Companies can be positive or negative, and the hope is that you will take an opportunity to review how you manage your everyday activities to determine the steps you can take to make a positive impact on this planet’s environment.